Sindacco Chronicles
Release date: June 8 2023, last time updated 27.10.24
1998. A new Mafia war is on the rise in Liberty City – the Sindacco, Forelli and Leone families are at their throats again for domination over the worst city in America. The Sindaccos, led by the ambitious Paulie Sindacco, plan to conquer what they can before the others can get their hands on what’s left of the city. A loyal henchman they have, Joseph Daniel O’Toole, is supposed to infiltrate the Leone Family. Meanwhile, Paulie’s two nephews, Frank and Marcus, are preparing their men for a big war…
Find the list of 100% playthrough goals for the mod here: and list of maps for 100% playthrough here
Find out more about SC artworks here:
Mod type: Total conversion
Mod for: Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
Platforms: Android, iOS, PlayStation 2, PlayStation Portable
- Total of 100 new missions written
- 60 story missions
- 18 additional missions - pimping, helicopter challenges, races...
- Multiple playable protagonists
- 4 buyable assets that can give you missions (Contraband pier, Panlantic office and more)
- 6 buyable safehouses
- 15 business estates to capture in the business takeover system (GTA VCS + GTA SA style mechanic)
- 5 vendetta contracts
- 20 snapshots
- 64 hidden packages
- 15 rampages
- 15 unique stunt jumps
- 7 hours of new authentic radio set
- AI Voiceover (optional feature)
- Easter eggs (Such as 4 myth characters to find)
- Project Leader: 1826
- Story: 1826
- Programming: 1826
- Story editor: Al Alvarez
- Design: willkozz, 1826
- Artworks: marmakar
- Audio: 1826
- Soundtrack: 1826, spacefiller, willkozz, .Hayabusa
Download links
Android 6-12 (Use VMOS for Android 13+)
PlayStation 2
Coming soon